When performing a competitive analysis a company will identify, assess and select its key competitors. Let's have a look at each:
1) Identifying the company's competitors
- here a organization must look at their direct and indirect competitors.
2) Assessing competitors' objectives, strategies, strengths and weaknesses, and reaction patterns
- here organizations will want perform a SWOT analysis of themselves as well as their
- when performing a SWOT analysis the strengths and weaknesses are an internal evaluation which can include customer service, retail support and product design to name a few. While the opportunities and threats are external to the company. An opportunity can be geographic expansion for the business and a threat could be changes to gov't policy which could potentially limit the company's profits.
3) Selecting which competitors to attack and avoid
- companies must be very careful here as they do not want to attack a company who has a superior product or service when compared to their own. A company should focus attacking companies who they have a clear advantage over in regards to the particular product or service.
Above is a quick overview of the competitive analysis process which can help organizations avoid losing share of the market. In my next post I will review what the 4 competitive positions are and which strategies each position uses.